Partnership Spotlight: Mitch Robinson

October 19, 2023

Partnership Spotlight: Mitch Robinson at the Lord Mayors Business Awards

Well, now this is a bit of a change of pace from our regular journal articles, isn’t it!? See, we do some business-y stuff here as well as plan parties…. sometimes. We simply must recognise the visionary ventures of one of our impressive business partners ahead of the Lord Mayor’s Business Awards coming up this Friday night. This week we are rooting Mitch Robinson, the founder and CEO of IDU Identification who originally pitched his software to us when he was in his school uniform!

If you’ve been to the venue after 10 p.m. anytime in the last two years (I daresay most of you party animals), you would have encountered one of Mitch’s scanners at the front gate. You know the ones, the iPads that the seccies scan your ID with, then hold up unnervingly close to your face for a quick pic? Yep, they’re the ones. Stop Paparazzi am I right?

Partnership Spotlight: Mitch Robinson at the Lord Mayors Business Awards – A little history.

Mitch has made huge waves in the hospitality industry since his grade 9 project turned into his full-time job, creating a software that speedily scans and stores a plethora of identification cards information. Mitch’s schoolyard project, WORKS, is now dominating the Brisbane market with a 90% hold and an 80% hold of the scanning landscape in Queensland. The technology is effective and efficient, and his small but dependable team is a great support system, on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mitch is constantly keeping us updated on the business’s next steps and what is around the corner for IDU (Buckle in kids by the way, it’s about to get real).

We are consistently gobsmacked by Mitch’s entrepreneurial spirit, ingenuity, and commitment to his venues and staff, which is unparalleled. It’s about perfecting and improving the core product, expanding their horizons, and exploring entirely new projects that we predict will be equally disruptive and progressive for our industry.

Mitch has helped us get our patrons through the door quickly and, more importantly, keep them safe on a night out every day since we took the plunge in 2021. We want to wholeheartedly support Mitch and his team as the big night approaches. So, cross your fingers and have a pint of craft beer for Mitch this Friday night.

Hopefully, the 21-year-old will need to encounter his technology that night, preferably out in the valley, en route to celebrate the milestone. See you in the Beer Garden and Karaoke, Mitch. No matter the result, we will be celebrating you at RGs! Because your achievements and how you got to where you are now are inspirational and a true testament that Aussies love a fair-dinkum tryer!

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